Cyber Security and Digital Transformation

Akela works closely with you to integrate the right digital technologies across various aspects of your orgnisation to fundamentally change how it conducts its business operations and delivers increased value to your customers or stakeholders. Akela also integrates relevant cyber security capabilities and practices that are designed to protect your digital technologies, data, and critical infrastructure to mitigate cyber-attacks that cause damage, manipulation, unauthorised access, or data theft. As your organisation embraces digital technologies, cyber security becomes more critical.

System Integration and Automation

Akela’s methodology is centred on our extensive experience in joining software and hardware modules into one cohesive infrastructure that provides increased productivity, automation of repeatable or predictable workflows and decision points , accurate and trustworthy data, faster decision-making cycles, and greater cost-effectiveness.

Data Fusion

Akela’s data fusion capability involves the joint analysis of multiple data sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and useful inferences than achievable by any individual data source.

Cyber Security and Risk

The increased use of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analytics, and data fusion capabilities now allows criminals and nation states to use stolen data to directly impact security of classified or sensitive information, and the privacy of an individual’s data.

Akela’s Cyber Security team assists in transforming your organisation’s security, privacy and continuity controls into business-enabling platforms while maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of critical business functions. Our services are segmented and supported by specialised teams, providing you with the right resources at the right time for any cyber-related need.

Our end-to-end digital services start from ideation through to launch. This includes back-end components and complex system integration. We apply a user-centred design approach that creates an intuitive and effective customer experience.

Systems Integration and Automation

Akela’s methodology is centred on our extensive experience in joining software and hardware modules into one cohesive infrastructure that provides increased productivity, workplace automation to undertake repeatable or predicatble workflows, more accurate and trustworthy data, faster decision-making cycles, and greater cost-effectiveness.

Data Fusion

Akela’s data fusion capability involves the joint analysis of multiple data sources to produce more consistent, accurate, and useful inferences than achievable by any individual data source.

Cyber Security and Risk Management

Akela's approach to cyber security is designed to be simple, effective, and most importantly, aligned with your operational and strategic business requirements. Our cyber team will work closely with you to understand and improve your organisation's current state cyber maturity levels, identify and mitigate your cyber vulnerabilities and deficiencies, and design and implement the right cyber defence infrastructure and services for your organisation. Our team is very experienced in working with orgaisation's to embed cyber security into its culture and decision making processes at all levels.

We ensure that your people are taken on the journey, and your systems and data are secure throughout the end-to-end process.
We focus on unlocking the high performance of your organisation and people through a co-design approach, ensuring the adaptability of your systems, organisation structure, work environment, team behaviours and interactions.
Our process identifies key business gaps, risks, and opportunities. It delivers meaningful insights for your leaders to take targeted action at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels.
Headquartered In Australia, we have an extensive global network that we leverage to ensure we provide international best business practices and leadingleading-edge technologies for you.

Our Approach

Systems Integration
and Automation

  • Combine software and hardware modules
  • Increased productivity with trustworthy data
  • Faster decision-making cycles
  • Greater cost-effectiveness
  • Software and/or hardware for repeatable workflows
  • Reduces manual intervention


  • Combines disparate information feeds
  • Highly trained data analysts
  • Automated big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning
  • Trusted data
  • 360-degree picture of your organisation

Cyber Security
and Risk

  • Crisis Management Exercises
  • Cyber Readiness and Risk Assessment
  • Governance, Risk Management, Resilience
  • Security Operations Centre Optimisation
  • Threat Modelling
  • Incident Response
  • Vulnerability and Penetration Testing
  • Red Teaming

Does your business need a Digital Transformation?